
“Rich” or “Bland”: Which Diagrams Helps Students Learn Deeply? [Reposted]

Colorful diagrams might raise students’ interest. What do those diagrams do for their learning? Continue reading

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How to Foster New Friendships in School? Seating Plans! (We’ve...

In schools, we want students to learn many topics: math, and history, and reading, and…

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To Grade or Not to Grade: Should Retrieval Practice Quizzes...

We’ve seen enough research on retrieval practice to know: it rocks. When students simply review…

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Parachutes Don’t Help (Important Asterisk) [Repost]

A surprising research finding to start your week: parachutes don’t reduce injury or death. How…

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Making “Learning Objectives” Explicit: A Skeptic Converted? [Reposted]

Teachers have long gotten guidance that we should make our learning objectives explicit to our…

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“Once Upon a Time”: Do Stories Help Learning?

When Daniel Willingham wrote Why Don’t Students Like School, he accomplished a mini-miracle: he made abstract…

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Conflicting Advice: What to Do When Cognitive Science Strategies Clash?

Teachers like research-informed guidance because it offers a measure of certainty. “Why do you run…

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Does Online Learning Work? Framing the Debate to Come…

I first published this blog post back in January. I’ve been seeing more and more…

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Putting It All Together: “4C/ID”

We’ve got good news and bad news. Good news: we’ve got SO MUCH research about…

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How to Capture Students’ Attention for Online Readings (tl;dr)

When do students focus while reading online? When do they lose focus and let their minds…

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