
Whose Online Teaching Advice Do You Trust?

Paradoxically, the right amount of self-doubt should inspire in readers a greater sense of trust. Continue reading

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I’m Curious: Does Curiosity Promote Learning?

Does curiosity promote learning? New research offers a surprising, complex, and subtle answer to that question. Continue reading

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Macbeth Retrieval Grid

Retrieval Grids: The Good, the Bad, and the Potential Solutions

“Retrieval grids” promote retrieval practice — that’s good! But they might lead to working-memory overload — that’s really bad. Happily, we might be able to solve this problem… Continue reading

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Should Students Exercise DURING Learning? A Twitter Debate Rages…

Does exercise DURING learning help students? Twitter knows the answer to the question quite confidently. Research on the topic, however, invites us to be both cautious and optimistic. Continue reading

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McEwen Headshot

Home News: Rememebring Bruce McEwen

I first heard Dr. Bruce McEwen talk about the neurobiology of stress in 2010. He…

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An Unexpected Strategy to Manage Student Stress

We might be inclined to reassure our anxious students, and advise them to “remain calm.” This research, however, suggests a surprising alternative. Continue reading

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Starting the Year Just Right: Healthy Skepticism

Adults prefer natural settings to urban ones. We can easily imagine an evolutionary explanation for that preference. But: do children share it? Continue reading

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Home News

Congratulations to one-time Learning and the Brain blogger, Dr. Kate Mills. The Association for Psychological…

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How Best to Achieve our New Year’s Resolutions

Psychology research can help us accomplish our New Year’s resolutions, even if we’re offered tempting cake. Continue reading

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Dan Siegel

“Educating Anxious Brains”: Digging Deeper

I wrote two weeks ago about our first 2020 education conference: Educating Anxious Brains, in San…

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