
Getting Research to Work in Schools

Some schools hire “research leads” to encourage research-based teaching in their schools. Does this approach work? Can it? Continue reading

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Prior Knowledge: Building the Right Floor

Researchers can demonstrate that some core knowledge is essential for students to start learning about a topic. Teachers can use that guidance to improve learning for all students. Continue reading

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Faster Learners Remember Better (Perhaps)

Adults who learned word pairs faster also remembered them better the following day. How does this research apply to schools? For lots of reasons, we just don’t yet know… Continue reading

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Motivation = “Self-Determination” + Common Sense

Common sense tells us that teachers should offer clear goals and specific feedback. Research supports that guidance, with an important caveat. Continue reading

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What if a Research-Supported Educational Idea is Unconstitutional?

A religious studies professor argues that required mindfulness programs in schools create constitutional problems. She also offers solutions. Continue reading

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When Introverts Act Like Extraverts (and Vice Versa)

Surprising new findings suggest that introverts can act like extraverts — and that they get some important benefits from doing so. This finding asks us to rethink powerful arguments about schools and personality types. Continue reading

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Advice: It Is Better to Give than Receive

Students benefit not only from receiving advice, but also from giving it. This low cost strategy can build confidence and promote learning. Continue reading

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What Students Want to Know about Brains and Learning, Part...

High school students have questions. We have (some) answers. Continue reading

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Study Advice for Students: Getting the Specifics Just Right

To get the best benefits from “retrieval practice,” teachers can try this strategy to reassure and motivate nervous students. Continue reading

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What Students Want to Know about Brains and Learning

What do students want to know about brains and learning? Good news: they’ve got insightful questions, and researchers have good answers. Continue reading

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