A winter scene: cars covered in a foot of swon, and two pedestrians walking away from the camera, shoulders hunched agains the cold snow

Weather Forecasting and Cognitive Science

I live in Boston, and we just had an ENORMOUS snow storm. TWELVE INCHES of…

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College students working together at a table, lots of papers in front of them

Constructivism, or Constructivism, Part II

Last week, I wrote about the often-testy debates that surround “constructivism.” One possible cause for…

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A construction site: a 6 story building with scaffolding all around, a crane against a sunset

Constructivism, or Constructivism? Part I

If you want to launch a feisty debate in your next faculty meeting, stand up…

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Teenage girl sitting on floor and trying to learn with post-it notes

Should Students Make Their Own Flashcards, Take II

A respected colleague recently posted a study about making flashcards. The basic question: should students…

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A closeup of four hands holding out single puzzle pieces, trying to see how to put them together well.

The Jigsaw Advantage: Should Students Puzzle It Out?

The “jigsaw” method sounds really appealing, doesn’t it? Imagine that I’m teaching a complex topic: say,…

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College student smiling while taking notes on while studying

Putting It All Together: Connecting “Motivation” with “Teaching Style”

Researchers tend to focus on particular topics in education. Some folks study attention, while others look…

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Young teacher wearing sweater and glasses sitting on desk at kindergarten clueless and confused expression with arms and hands raised.

Overwhelmed Teachers: The Working-Memory Story (Part II) [Updated with Link]

Last week, I offered an unusual take on working memory in the classroom. Typically, I…

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Stressed teacher sitting in front of a white board with comlex mathematical equations on it

Overwhelmed Teachers: The Working-Memory Story

If I could pick one topic from cognitive science for ALL TEACHERS to study, that…

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Thief peering around the corner of a wall at painting he might steal from a museum

Reframing Motivation: Urgent vs. Interesting

You are walking through a museum after closing time, peering into room after room. You…

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Young children sit on the floor eagerly listening to a teacher, off camera

Help Me Understand: Narrative Is Better than Exposition

I’m straight-up asking for some guidance here. Here’s the story… “Psychologically Privileged” For many years…

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