
The Best (Counter-intuitive) Sleep Advice You’ll Get This Year

How to fall asleep faster? According to this research, take 5 minutes a write a to-do list for the upcoming days. This technique offloads stress, and promotes faster sleep onset. Continue reading

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Studying Wrong Answers Helps Learn the Right Ones

With teaching as with baking, sometimes you should follow steps in a very particular order….

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How Can We Encourage Girls to Pursue STEM Disciplines?

When we see alarming statistics about gender disparities in STEM disciplines, we quite naturally wonder…

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Can We Boost Our Students’ Self-Control?

You have, no doubt, heard about this research before. Walter Mischel tested preschoolers on self-control….

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A Handy Summary of Memory Definitions, for Teachers and Students

Here‘s a quick summary of information about memory: sensory memory, working memory, long-term memory, and…

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Does Music Promote Students’ Creativity?

Music played during a creative task distracts students…but, music played before the task might increase creativity. Continue reading

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research-based advice for students

Taking Notes with Graphic Organizers

Researchers office us concrete advice on the best form for handwritten notes: outlines vs. graphic organizers; incomplete vs. complete. Continue reading

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Do Collaborative Projects Reduce or Increase Working Memory Stress?

Should teachers ask students to work on projects in teams? This question generates a great…

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Praising Researchers, Despite Our Disagreements

This blog often critiques the hype around “brain training.” Whether Lumosity or Tom Brady‘s “brain…

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Can Teachers Be Trusted to Evaluate Research?

Too often, teachers hear that our judgment about classroom applications of scientific research isn’t to be trusted. And yet, teacher judgment is essential when applying research in the classroom. Given that psychology research affects classroom practice only when teachers use it, why put down the teachers who are essential partners in this process? Our field should focus not on competition, but on respectful collaboration. Continue reading

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