“Mindset Bull****,” “Gimmicks,” and Other Unhelpful Critiques

My friend Cindy Nebel has a thoughtful post about a recent article at TES. Here’s…

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Good News! Contradictory Research on Desirable Difficulties…

As we regularly emphasize here on the blog, attempts to recall information benefit learning. That…

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Is Your Classroom Worth More Than $10,000?

Here’s a remarkable story about potentially falsified research data. The short version: researchers James Heathers…

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Healthy Snacks After Exercise? Depends on the Timing…

We’re likelier to make good snack choices before we exercise than after. This research finding gives us practical advice, and supports a well-known (but recently controversial) theory of self-control. Continue reading

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Welcome to San Francisco

If you’re a regular blog reader, you just might be a frequent Learning and the…

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There’s No Polite Way to Say “I Told You So”

Back in 2014, Pam Mueller and Dan Oppenheimer made headlines with their wittily titled study…

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Can Creativity Be Taught? What’s the Formula?

My edutwitter feed has a lively debate about this question: can we teach people to…

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Why Do Teachers Resist Research? And, Why Should We?

Let’s imagine that you show me research suggesting that students remember the words they draw…

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Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me

We often post about the unreliability of “brain training.” Heck, even though I live in…

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The Joys (and Stresses) of Teacher/Neuroscientist Collaboration

In an ideal world, teachers and researchers collaborate to bring out the best in each…

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