Brain Training and Dementia

When you see claims for an exciting new brain training finding (the headline crows “Dementia…

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Welcome to “the Messiness”

In a recent interview on this blog, Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal spoke about the benefits…

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The Benefits of Prediction; the Dangers of Vocabulary

What’s the best way to study complex material? Working with Charles Atwood at the University…

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Now Even the New York Times Has It Wrong

Here’s a hypothetical situation: Let’s say that psychology researchers clearly demonstrate that retrieval practice helps…

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Good News about Concept Mapping

This meta-analysis, which looks at studies including almost 12,000 students, concludes that creating concept maps…

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The Benefits of Forgetting

As teachers, we earnestly want our students to REMEMBER what they learned; their habit of FORGETTING…

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Neuroplasticity in Rural India

You hear so much about “neuroplasticity” at Learning and the Brain conferences that you already know…

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Correlation Isn’t Causation, Is It?

(Image source) The ever provocative Freddie deBoer explores the relationship between correlation and causation. You…

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Home News

In the excitement of this weekend’s Learning and the Brain conference, I overlooked my own…

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Finding Meaning in Visuals

When you open your eyes, where do they focus? Presumably, your eyes automatically turn to…

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