
A Future Without Grades?

You think grades interfere with learning? You’d like to do away with them? And yet,…

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Once Upon a Digital Time…

A recent study suggests that 3- and 4-year old children understand as much, and learn…

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The Science of Creativity

In this 20 minute video,  James Kaufman explains how researchers define creativity, and how they…

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Thinking Critically about Teaching Critical Thinking

A friend recently referred me to this online article (at about this research study:…

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Promoting STEM for Women by Requiring More High School Math....

How can we encourage young women to pursue STEM fields? In the German state of Baden-Württemberg,…

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Don’t Take the Bait

Some days I wonder if I have linked to too many articles debunking claims about…

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Learning from (gulp) Video Games

Many teachers I know are baffled by the attraction of video games; some are heartily…

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An Invaluable Part of Any LatB Lunch…

…a baloney detection kit. Enjoy. (Here are some napkins.)

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sleeplessness harms women

The Evidence Mounts: Delaying Middle and High School Start Times

Here’s the statement from the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine: During adolescence, internal circadian rhythms…

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A Working Memory Intervention That “Really Works.” Really?

L&tB bloggers frequently write about working memory — and with good reason. This cognitive capacity, which…

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