Erik Jahner, PhD
Erik Jahner received his PhD in Educational Psychology from University of California Riverside and his Masters in Linguistics from California State University Long Beach. He examines how the socially situated and embodied mind develops the capacity for persistent seeking behaviors. His inquiries have been at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, education, and linguistics, which has allowed him to explore the bioecological development around interest, curiosity, and information-seeking behaviors and experiences. On the pathway to understanding the neural dynamics of resting-state connectivity associated with differences in interest actualization, Jahner currently seeks to better understand the phenomenological and psychophysiological indicators of the emotions associated with individual interest engagement. At this moment Jahner is situating this line of research around adolescents and young adults attending a progressive high school in Los Angeles. In Jahner’s spare time, he explores the nature of humanity through science fiction, imagination, and artistic endeavors.
ADHD adolescence attention autism book review boundary conditions classroom advice conference speakers constructivism/direct instruction creativity desirable difficulty development dual coding elementary school embodied cognition emotion evolution exercise experts and novices gender high school homework intelligence long-term memory math methodology middle school mind-wandering mindfulness Mindset motivation neuromyths neuroscience online learning parents psychology reading retrieval practice self-control skepticism sleep STEM stress technology working memoryRecent Comments
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