Rebecca Gotlieb
Rebecca Gotlieb, Ph.D. is a human developmental psychologist and educational neuroscientist. Her research focuses on individual differences in social, emotional, cognitive, and brain development from early childhood through adolescence and young adulthood with implications for education. Dr. Gotlieb is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at the University of California, Los Angeles. She completed a Ph.D. in the University of Southern California's Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. She received a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Brain Sciences and membership in Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College.
ADHD adolescence attention autism book review boundary conditions classroom advice conference speakers constructivism/direct instruction creativity desirable difficulty development dual coding elementary school embodied cognition emotion evolution exercise experts and novices gender high school homework intelligence long-term memory math methodology middle school mind-wandering mindfulness Mindset motivation neuromyths neuroscience online learning parents psychology reading retrieval practice self-control skepticism sleep STEM stress technology working memoryRecent Comments
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- Goals, Failure, and Emotions: a Conceptual Framework |Education & Teacher Conferences on “Learning from Mistakes” vs. “Learning from Explanations”
- From Destruction to Rebuilding: Hope in Science’s Down Cycle on When Analogies Go Wrong: The Benefits of Stress?

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