Black College Student Holding Phone

Category Archives: L&B Blog

Black College Student Holding Phone

Is “Cell Phone Addiction” Really a Thing? [Reposted]

A well-known Education Twitter personality claimed that “cell phones are as addictive as drugs.” Are…

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The Best Teaching Advice We’ve Got

I’m on my annual vacation during this month, so I’ll be posting some articles that…

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Success Graph

It’s All in the Timing: Improving Study Skills with Just-Right...

Some research-based teaching advice requires complex rethinking of our work. For instance: We know that…

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Student Writing

An Amazingly Simple Way to Help Struggling Students (with Potential...

Imagine that you work at a school where these students consistently struggle compared to those students. As…

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“It’s Good for the Brain!”: The Perils of Pollution, the...

When I talk with teachers about psychology and neuroscience research, I frequently get a question…

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Primary Students w Books

Getting the Order Just Right: When to “Generate,” When to...

When teachers get advice from psychology and neuroscience, we start by getting individual bits of…

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Boy at Track Start

The Bruce Willis Method: Catching Up Post-Covid

In the third Die Hard movie, Brue Willis and his unexpected partner Samuel L. Jackson need…

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Enthusiastic Teacher

Does a Teacher’s Enthusiasm Improve Learning?

Sometimes research confirms our prior beliefs. Sometimes it contradicts those beliefs. And sometimes, research adds…

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Tree Wind

When Analogies Go Wrong: The Benefits of Stress?

An amazing discovery becomes an inspiring analogy: Researchers at BioSphere 2 noticed a bizarre series…

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Taking Notes

Handwritten Notes or Laptop Notes: A Skeptic Converted?

Here’s a practical question: should our students take notes by hand, or on laptops? If…

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