
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Introducing “Interteaching” (Works Online Too!)

Have you heard of “interteaching” before? Me neither. The headlines for this blog sound like…

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The Rise and Fall and Rise of Growth Mindset

Few theories in education have had a more dramatic story arc than Carol Dweck’s “Mindset.”…

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Proxy Battles: The Value of Handshakes at the Door

Should teachers welcome students to the classroom with elaborate individual handshakes? Or — in these…

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The 10-Minute Rule: Is The Lecture Dead?

The “10-minute rule” offers teachers practical guidance. It typically sounds something like this: If students…

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To Grade or Not to Grade: Should Retrieval Practice Quizzes...

We’ve seen enough research on retrieval practice to know: it rocks. When students simply review…

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What (and Why) Should Students Memorize? Confidence and Fluency for...

In our profession, memorization has gotten a bad name. The word conjures up alarming images: Dickensian…

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Prior Knowledge: Building the Right Floor [Updated]

Researchers can demonstrate that some core knowledge is essential for students to start learning about a topic. Teachers can use that guidance to improve learning for all students. Continue reading

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Assembling the Big Classroom Picture

The last 20 years have brought about powerful new ways to think about teaching and…

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Retrieval Practice and Metacognition: What and How Do Students Think...

Ask almost anyone in Learning and the Brain world, they’ll tell you: retrieval practice benefits students….

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“Kids These Days!”: A (Partial) Defense of Ignorance and Distractibility

You’ve seen the videos. An earnest reporter wielding a microphone accosts a college student and…

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