
Category Archives: L&B Blog


When Evidence Conflicts with Teachers’ Experience

Here’s an interesting question: do students — on average — benefit when they repeat a grade?…

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“Soft” vs. “Hard” Skills: Which Create a Stronger Foundation?

As teachers, should we focus on our students’ understanding of course content, or on our…

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I’m Not Excited, YOU’RE Excited (OK: I’m Excited)

I’ve been going to Learning and the Brain conferences since 2008, so it takes a…

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In the exaggerated stereotype of an obsessively traditional classroom, students sit perfectly silent and perfectly…

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“Students Switch Their Screens Every 19 Seconds.” Sort Of…

I recently read an arresting claim: when students have web browsers open, they switch their…

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EduTwitter Can Be Great. No, Really…

Twitter has a terrible reputation, and EduTwitter isn’t an exception. The misinformation. The name-calling. The…

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How Can We Help Students Study Better?

This story might sound familiar: You attend a Learning and the Brain conference (like, say,…

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Does Online Learning Work? Framing the Debate to Come…

With news that several very effective vaccines will be increasingly available over the upcoming months,…

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Seriously: What Motivates Teachers to Be Funny?

To start 2021 in the right spirit, let’s think about humor in the classroom. It…

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The Best Teaching Advice We’ve Got

You want to improve your teaching with psychology research? We’ve got good news, and bad…

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