
Category Archives: L&B Blog


James Flynn Changed the Way We Think about Intelligence

In 1950, the average score on an IQ test was ~100. In 2020, the average score…

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Who On Earth Cover

December Book-a-Palooza

When I started in this field, back in 2008, teachers really didn’t have many helpful…

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Possible Selves in STEM: Helping Students See Themselves as Scientists

Why don’t more students sign up for STEM classes, and enter STEM careers? Could we…

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Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Two New Ways of Thinking About Memory

In our classroom work, we teachers focus on learning; in their research, psychologists and neuroscientists often…

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Gratitude in School, 2020 Edition

Here’s a pre-Thanksgiving question: How much good news can you pack into one psychology study?…

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Parachutes Don’t Help (Important Asterisk)

A surprising research finding to start your week: parachutes don’t reduce injury or death. How…

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The Source of Student Motivation: Deeper than We Know?

Usually I blog about specific research findings that inform education. Today — to mix things…

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“But How Do We Know If It Works in the...

We’ve heard so much about retrieval practice in the last two years that it seems…

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“Sooner or Later”: What’s the Best Timing for Feedback?

Given the importance of feedback for learning, it seems obvious teachers should have well-established routines…

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Have I Been Spectacularly Wrong for Years? New Research on...

Long-timer readers know my weakness. I’m usually an easy-going guy. But if you want to…

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