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Category Archives: L&B Blog

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The Mindset Controversy: Carol Dweck Speaks…

Carol Dweck has responded to recent concerns about her Mindset theory. Her answers offer helpful guidance to classroom teachers. Continue reading

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Obsessed with Working Memory: Identifying Overload

Because working memory overload interferes with learning, teachers should be experts at spotting WM problems. Here’s how to do just that. Continue reading

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Naps In Schools (Just Might) Improve Classroom Learning

I like a good nap. I’m not sure there’s such a thing as a bad…

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Does Banning Classroom Technology Improve Engagement? Learning?

A study looking a technology ban in a classroom yielded puzzling results, and insightful recommendations. Continue reading

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Critical Thoughts on Teaching Critical Thinking

We can teach critical thinking within disciplines — especially when students master information, and practice core skills. Can we teach more general critical thinking skills? Continue reading

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Obsessed with Working Memory: Anticipating Overload

Once we can define working memory and understand its importance, teachers help students learn by ANTICIPATING working memory overload. Here’s how we do that. Continue reading

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Growing Mindsets in Argentina?

A study with 12th graders in Argentina highlights an important message about Growth Mindset: doing one thing once is unlikely to have much of an effect. Continue reading

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Obsessed with Working Memory, Part II

Working memory allows students to hold and combine information. (We call that “learning.”) What 3 essential facts about working memory should shape our approach to teaching? Continue reading

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Beyond the Mouse: Pointing in Online Lectures

When teachers use gestures appropriately in online learning, students learn more. Continue reading

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Obsessed With Working Memory: Part I

When I attended my first Learning and the Brain conference, I had never even heard of…

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