read research skeptically

Category Archives: L&B Blog

read research skeptically

You Are Not a Nile Grass Rat…

Teachers should pay close attention to neuroscience and psychology research done on people. However, you should NEVER change your teaching practice based on research into non-human animals. Continue reading

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musician memory

Do Musicians Really Have Better Memories?

Musicians have better long-term, short-term, and working memory than non-musicians. We don’t know why musician memory is stronger, but we have good hypotheses. Continue reading

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Brain Chalkboard_Credit

Motivating Retrieval Practice: Money Doesn’t Help

This study suggests that retrieval practice should–as much as possible–come in the form of very-low-stakes or no-stakes retrieval. Continue reading

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Top Neuroscience Stories of 2017, Wisely Annotated

The top neuroscience stories of 2017 help teachers understand the brain, its connection to the body, ADHD, and the guidance that science can offer teachers. Continue reading

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That Book You Were Just Reading…What Was It About?

If you read piles of books, you’re much less likely to remember the specifics of each one. The same holds true if you binge-watch This is Us or Mr. Robot. Or power your way through three movies in an afternoon. Continue reading

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deployment hinders learning

Military Parents Serving Overseas: What Happens To The Children?

A parent’s absence because of deployment does affect their children’s learning. Specifically, deployment itself brings down standardized test scores 0.42%; each additional month prompts and additional 0.11% reduction. The averages are slightly higher in math and science, and lower in reading in social sciences and reading. Continue reading

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structure inhibits creativity

Beware: Too Much Structure Hinders Creativity (for Experts)

Research shows that too much structure hinders creativity, whereas less-structured information allows more imaginative flexibility. Nonetheless, beginners do need structure to learn new skills. Continue reading

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A Bilingual Advantage in New Language Acquisition?

Neuroscience research suggests a bilingual advantage for learning a new language. The the debate about the benefits of bilingual education continues… Continue reading

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Growth mindset helps subgroups

Growth Mindsets Help All Subgroups Learn

A Growth Mindset gives a student the equivalent of an extra month in school. This benefit helps all students–including those in SPED, ELL, and disadvantaged minorities. Continue reading

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Downside to Oxytocin

Surprise! Less Oxytocin Might Improve Social Interaction

A potential downside to oxytocin: it might harm social interactions. This specific research finding offers teachers a general reminder: be skeptical of simplistic teaching advice based on hormones. Continue reading

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