
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Benefiting from Retrieval Practice: Get the Timing Just Right

Retrieval practice is an excellent study strategy for students more than 24 hours ahead of a test. However, within that 24 hour window, teachers and students should focus more on connecting ideas rather than recalling them. Continue reading

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An Extra Half-Hour of Sleep? An Extra Hour?

Students whose first class started later than 8:30 got between 27 and 57 (!) more minutes of sleep than students whose classes started earlier. Imagine just how much more learning might happen if a teen regularly got an extra hour of sleep. Continue reading

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Enhance Memory by Saying Important Words Aloud

You’d like to remember a list of words better? Here’s a simple trick: read them out loud to yourself. Continue reading

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Frequency and Memory: Essential Brain Wave Boost

Earlier this month, I linked to a study showing that declarative and procedural memories correspond with different…

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Mindset, Gender, and Intelligence: Confusing Myth or Painful Truth

In this research, there was no consistent gender split on Mindset. And, for men as well as women, intelligence level didn’t consistently influence Mindset; nor did a Growth Mindset predict academic accomplishment. Continue reading

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The Neuroscience of Morality

How do brains encode moral impulses? As you can imagine, that’s an extraordinarily difficult question–in…

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Diagnosing ADHD with MRI

How do we know if a student has ADHD? Typically, we observe behavior. To what…

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Highlighting Retrieval Practice

The Effortful Educator describes his fun system for using highlighters during retrieval practice. He teaches AP…

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God on the Brain

What’s happening in your brain when you contemplate religious experience? Over at Brainblogger, Viatcheslav Wlassoff contemplates…

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Advice for College Students

This brief (and admirably clear) article offers guidance to college students on the study strategies…

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