
Category Archives: L&B Blog


5 Praises a Day

Back in May, a brief flurry of articles rose up (here, here, and here) around…

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Working Memory Cheat Sheet

I write a lot about working memory on this blog. If you’d like a quick…

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Technology in Schools: Beyond Anecdotes…

Because technology is everywhere, anecdotes about technology abound. Almost everyone in your school has opinions…

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Hands-on and Hands-off Learning

When we walk into a classroom, especially an early learning or elementary school one, manipulatives…

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Distracted Mind Cover

Consider the Squirrel…

If you have a chance, I highly recommend readingĀ The Distracted MindĀ — especially if you’ll be…

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Action Video Games Harm the Hippocampus, Right?

Here’s a headline to get your attention: Action video games decrease gray matter, study finds….

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Sapna Cheryan

Meet the Speakers: Dr. Sapna Cheryan

This article is the first in an occasional series where I’ll introduce people who will…

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We Need a Bigger Boat

Because working memory is so important for learning, and because human working memory capacity isn’t…

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Exercise and Learning

Does even a short bout of exercise immediately after learning help form long-term memories? A…

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Maturation of the Hippocampus

Why do adolescents learn and remember specific information more easily than younger children? We have,…

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