
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Helping Students Study Well: The Missing Plank in the Bridge?

Ok: you’ve taught your students a particular topic, and you’ve provided them with lots of…

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How to Lie with Graphs

A handy video from Ted Education gives some pointers on spotting misleading graphs. Pay close…

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“One Size Fits All” Rarely Fits

If you attend Learning and the Brain conferences, or read this blog regularly, you know…

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Rates of ADHD Diagnosis: Age, Gender, and Race

Dr. David Rabiner offers a helpful summary of trends in ADHD diagnoses. The short version:…

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Chocolate and Cocoa Help You Learn, Right?

What’s not to love? The photo shows a mug of cocoa, with an already-nibbled chocolate bar…

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Memory Training That Really (Sort of) Works

Imagine yourself following a route that you know quite well: perhaps your morning commute. You…

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Interrupting Skilled Students

Here’s a sentence that won’t surprise you: practice typically makes us more skilled at the…

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A Tale of Two Analyses

For researchers and research-readers alike, the data analysis portion of a study is many things:…

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Dangerous Authenticity?

Here’s an odd question: is it ever a bad idea for teachers to be authentic?…

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Regions or Networks, Take 2

Just yesterday, I posted some thoughts about “thinking both-ily”; that is, understanding that brain processing…

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