
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Does Internet Use “Rewire Adolescent Brains”?

Our very own Kathryn Mills says: we’ve got a lot of anecdotes, but not a…

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Dreaming of a Snowy Holiday Season?

This trippy video from TedEd gives some insight into the neural process of imagination.

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Thinking VERY Slowly about “Thinking, Fast and Slow”

Five years later, economics blogger Jason Collins rereads–and rereviews–Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow.

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Teacher Evaluations: Your Thoughts?

A report by the non-partisan Brookings Institute says that teacher evaluations are “a waste of time…

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Home News: Congratulations, Stephanie!

Our very own Stephanie Sasse is a co-author of a just-published paper in the Journal…

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Thoughtful teenage boy looking up while sitting in classroom

Drifting Away: The Cognitive Benefits—and Perils—of Mind-Wandering

You’re in the middle of a meeting or driving to work and your mind drifts…

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Power Poses: Meh

This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education explains many reasons to doubt much-hyped research into–among…

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Isolated blackboard with signs of sex.

Research Morsel: Gender Differences in Math (Again)

The journal Intelligence recently published an interesting study [1] analyzing gender differences in cognitive abilities in…

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Reproducing Research Results

This video, from TedEd, helpfully outlines many of the reasons it can be difficult to…

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LaTB Stories #1: Alex W.

My name is Alex Wonnell, aka Wonz.  I work in a middle school in Burlington,…

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