grow your brain

Category Archives: L&B Blog

grow your brain

Why Your Brain Has Better Things to Do than “Grow”

Intuitively, the idea of “growing” sounds great. It’s become synonymous with making something bigger, better,…

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brain damage

The Impact of Brain Damage on Education: An Interview with...

  As an optometrist-scientist and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Lotfi…

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How to Get the Most Out of Reading to Children

For years we’ve known about the literacy gap between children of differing socio-economic backgrounds. We’ve…

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The Power of the Pen: A Simple Exercise that Can...

In 1988 psychologist James Pennebaker1 and his colleagues conducted a study with somewhat of a…

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Math is for Babies: You’re Never too Young to Start...

When I was teaching math, I worked with many students like Olivia. She was a…

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Ostracism Hurts: Why being ignored can be just as painful...

Stories of bullying and harassment in schools have become all too familiar. But there is…

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Duly Noted: The Difference Between Laptops and Pen & Paper

In April of 2014, Pam Mueller and Dan Oppenheimer struck psychology gold with their cleverly…

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3 Strategies for Giving Yourself a Smarter Pep Talk

“I am a lean, mean, mathing machine.”  In college, I’d repeat this phrase to myself,…

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Studying Mindfulness: An Interview with a Scientist on the Frontlines...

Dr. Sara Lazar began a yoga and mindfulness practice after a sports injury in the…

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The Clash of Brain Development and Classroom Technology

“He makes bad decisions regarding iPad use.” “She gets distracted by her iPad….” “He gets…

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