Category Archives: L&B Blog

Is Air Quality Affecting Your Students’ Performance?

It is difficult to argue that bad air isn’t bad for your health. Unlike many…

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3 Ways to Confuse Students (And Why You Should)

Confusion is a powerful feeling. If it doesn’t turn to frustration, it can give rise…

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What we’re getting right – and wrong – about mindfulness...

Recently, my sister and I were watching a TV show that explored the minds and…

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A New Breed of Tools: Offline Digital Learning

Whether you want to learn to tie a tie or you want to learn about…

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Staff Pick: Untangling Adolescence

If you teach middle or high school—or if you parent teens—you have no doubt wondered…

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The Psychology of Belonging (and Why it Matters)

Accepting The Need to Belong Last fall, we heard about highly charged situations arising across…

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5 Ways to Use Rewards in the Classroom

My first year of teaching, I was all about bribery; I had no problem stocking…

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Gaining STEAM: Where Art and Science Meet

It is no secret that American students’ math and science standardized test scores don’t break…

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Can – and should – young children really meditate?

When picturing a kindergarten classroom in America, chances are you imagine messy finger paint on…

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The New Understanding of IQ

Many believe that intelligent quotient (IQ) tests tell you something about an individual’s inherent, and…

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