Category Archives: L&B Blog

The Problem with Believing in Innate Talent

“It’s OK, some people just aren’t good at math”. We’ve all heard this before. In…

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Do metaphors make learning a piece of cake?

At first glance, metaphor and science might seem to inhabit opposite ends of the things-we-learn-in-school…

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Meta-Learning: The Importance of Thinking about Thinking

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,…

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Family Matters: Do Obligations Encourage Teens to Play it Safe?

The teenage years have long been described as a period of “storm and stress.” It’s…

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Mindfulness in the Classroom: What’s All the Buzz About?

“Mindfulness” is a buzzword popping up everywhere from the New York Times, prestigious science and…

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How to Recognize PTSD in the Classroom… And Why it...

I recently watched a Ted Talk1 by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris where she addressed the effects…

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The Difference Between Science and Science-Sounding Solutions

From the moment a child is born (and in some cases even before), their environment…

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Starting Early: The Benefits of Teaching Counterintuitive Concepts in Childhood

Science seems to always challenge our intuitive understanding of the world. Even as an adult,…

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The Lollipop Problem: How Cultural Bias Makes it Harder to...

I went to a school in the foothills of the Himalayas in Pakistan. The school…

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Language Nutrition & the Developing Brain

We’re told that a picture is worth a thousand words, but this adage robs words…

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