
The Power of Us by Dominic Packer and Jay Van...

The broad use of social media, internet search engines, personalized news feeds, and other emerging…


“It’s Good for the Brain!”: The Perils of Pollution, the...

When I talk with teachers about psychology and neuroscience research, I frequently get a question…

Primary Students w Books

Getting the Order Just Right: When to “Generate,” When to...

When teachers get advice from psychology and neuroscience, we start by getting individual bits of…

Boy at Track Start

The Bruce Willis Method: Catching Up Post-Covid

In the third Die Hard movie, Brue Willis and his unexpected partner Samuel L. Jackson need…

Enthusiastic Teacher

Does a Teacher’s Enthusiasm Improve Learning?

Sometimes research confirms our prior beliefs. Sometimes it contradicts those beliefs. And sometimes, research adds…

Tree Wind

When Analogies Go Wrong: The Benefits of Stress?

An amazing discovery becomes an inspiring analogy: Researchers at BioSphere 2 noticed a bizarre series…


Failure to Disrupt by Justin Reich

Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education is a well-written critical synthesis of…

Taking Notes

Handwritten Notes or Laptop Notes: A Skeptic Converted?

Here’s a practical question: should our students take notes by hand, or on laptops? If…

Walden Pond

Too Good to Be True? “Even Short Nature Walks Improve...

Good news makes me nervous. More precisely: if I want to believe a research finding, I…

Goldfish Jump

Working Memory: Make it Bigger, or Use it Better?

Cognitive science has LOTS of good news for teachers. Can we help students remember ideas…