
Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology by Michelle...

The cognition of remembering and forgetting is central to our lives and our intellectual valuation…

Black College Student Holding Phone

Is “Cell Phone Addiction” Really a Thing? [Reposted]

A well-known Education Twitter personality claimed that “cell phones are as addictive as drugs.” Are…


The Best Teaching Advice We’ve Got

I’m on my annual vacation during this month, so I’ll be posting some articles that…

Success Graph

It’s All in the Timing: Improving Study Skills with Just-Right...

Some research-based teaching advice requires complex rethinking of our work. For instance: We know that…

Student Writing

An Amazingly Simple Way to Help Struggling Students (with Potential...

Imagine that you work at a school where these students consistently struggle compared to those students. As…


The Power of Us by Dominic Packer and Jay Van...

The broad use of social media, internet search engines, personalized news feeds, and other emerging…


“It’s Good for the Brain!”: The Perils of Pollution, the...

When I talk with teachers about psychology and neuroscience research, I frequently get a question…

Primary Students w Books

Getting the Order Just Right: When to “Generate,” When to...

When teachers get advice from psychology and neuroscience, we start by getting individual bits of…

Boy at Track Start

The Bruce Willis Method: Catching Up Post-Covid

In the third Die Hard movie, Brue Willis and his unexpected partner Samuel L. Jackson need…

Enthusiastic Teacher

Does a Teacher’s Enthusiasm Improve Learning?

Sometimes research confirms our prior beliefs. Sometimes it contradicts those beliefs. And sometimes, research adds…