Search Results for: positive stress


Revisiting Our San Francisco Conference

I had planned to write a post describing our most recent conference, last weekend in…

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Welcome to San Francisco!

We can’t wait to see you at our conference this weekend: Educating Anxious Brains. Various…

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Take Time for You: Self-Care Action Plans for Educators by...

Teaching is an emotionally and cognitively demanding job, a fact that the public does not…

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Dan Siegel

“Educating Anxious Brains”: Digging Deeper

I wrote two weeks ago about our first 2020 education conference: Educating Anxious Brains, in San…

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Deepest Well

The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversities...

Nadine Burke Harris explains that she wrote The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of…

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Learning Grows: The Science of Motivation for the Classroom Teacher

Andrew C. Watson, the editor of Learning and the Brain Blog, long-time teacher at some…

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Two Swings, Two Misses: The New York Times on Education

Two recent articles in the New York Times have gotten lots of teacherly attention. What’s…

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preschool for parents

Preschool for Parents: Surprising Long-Term Benefits

Head Start programs prepare young children — especially those from lower socio-economic cohorts — for success in school. Can these programs help more if extended by the parents? Continue reading

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investigating mindfulness

Investigating Mindfulness: How Do We Know Its Benefits?

We would, of course, like to see studies with larger sample sizes, active control conditions, longer-term evaluation of results and so forth. This study find some positive trends, but overall isn’t impressed with the research progress over the last 13 years. Continue reading

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Use Your Words: The Impact of Parent and Teacher Speech...

It’s finals time! As the promise of spring and summer days rolls in, the increase…

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