
The Power of Making Thinking Visible: Practice to Engage and...

Imagine how schools might be different if educators focused on the process rather than product…


Why Don’t My High-School Students Just Follow My Advice?

I’ve been teaching for several centuries now. You’d think my students would believe me when…


Let’s Get Practical: What Works Best in the Classroom?

At times, this blog explores big-picture hypotheticals — the “what if” questions that can inspire…


How Can We Help Students Study Better? [Repost]

This story might sound familiar: You attend a Learning and the Brain conference (like, say,…


“Rich” or “Bland”: Which Diagrams Helps Students Learn Deeply? [Reposted]

Colorful diagrams might raise students’ interest. What do those diagrams do for their learning? Continue reading


How to Foster New Friendships in School? Seating Plans! (We’ve...

In schools, we want students to learn many topics: math, and history, and reading, and…


To Grade or Not to Grade: Should Retrieval Practice Quizzes...

We’ve seen enough research on retrieval practice to know: it rocks. When students simply review…


Parachutes Don’t Help (Important Asterisk) [Repost]

A surprising research finding to start your week: parachutes don’t reduce injury or death. How…


Making “Learning Objectives” Explicit: A Skeptic Converted? [Reposted]

Teachers have long gotten guidance that we should make our learning objectives explicit to our…


Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at...

With the school year starting in just a couple of weeks, Learn Like a Pro:…