
Does Online Learning Work? Framing the Debate to Come…

With news that several very effective vaccines will be increasingly available over the upcoming months,…


Seriously: What Motivates Teachers to Be Funny?

To start 2021 in the right spirit, let’s think about humor in the classroom. It…


The Best Teaching Advice We’ve Got

You want to improve your teaching with psychology research? We’ve got good news, and bad…


James Flynn Changed the Way We Think about Intelligence

In 1950, the average score on an IQ test was ~100. In 2020, the average score…

Who On Earth Cover

December Book-a-Palooza

When I started in this field, back in 2008, teachers really didn’t have many helpful…

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How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology and What...

Bridging the research-practice divide is a perennial issue in education. Fortunately, Paul A. Kirschner and…


Possible Selves in STEM: Helping Students See Themselves as Scientists

Why don’t more students sign up for STEM classes, and enter STEM careers? Could we…

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Two New Ways of Thinking About Memory

In our classroom work, we teachers focus on learning; in their research, psychologists and neuroscientists often…


Gratitude in School, 2020 Edition

Here’s a pre-Thanksgiving question: How much good news can you pack into one psychology study?…


Parachutes Don’t Help (Important Asterisk)

A surprising research finding to start your week: parachutes don’t reduce injury or death. How…