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What’s the Ideal Size for Online Discussion Groups?

We’re all learning lots about online teaching these days: new software (Zoom), new vocabulary (“asynchronous”),…


“How to Study Less and Learn More”: Explaining Learning Strategies...

Because cognitive science gives us such good guidance about learning, we want to share that…

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Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help...

How are you feeling? We ask this question often because our feelings are an important…


What’s Better Than Caffeine (And Doesn’t Require Electrodes)?

Is there an easy way to help students use their working memory more effectively? Do we have to zap their brains with electricity to accomplish this goal? Continue reading


The Limits of “Desirable Difficulties”: Catching Up with Sans Forgetica

Can a hard-to-read font improve student learning? That’s a very strange question, but in 2019 we had some reasons to think the answer was “yes.” Just published research updates our understanding. Continue reading


Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization by Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman, author/editor of bold and brilliant books including Ungifted, Wired to Create, and…


“Doing Science” or “Being a Scientist”: What Words Motivate Students?

If teachers could boost students’ motivation — even slightly — by changing our language, would that effort be worth the time? Continue reading

DK Bridges

Unbearable Irony: When Dunning-Kruger Bites Back…

People who don’t know much about a topic typically overestimate their expertise. We call this the Dunning-Kruger Effect. So: what happens when someone who doesn’t know much about the Dunning-Kruger Effect tries to explain it? Brace yourself for an excess of irony. Continue reading


Music and Memory: A Learning Strategy?

We know that sleep is good for learning. Is there anything we can do to make it EXTRA good? Perhaps, used strategically, music might hold the key. Continue reading


How Do Children Explain Academic Success? (And: How Do We...

All students think EFFORT is important for success. Do all students — even younger students — think that SKILL matters? Recent research explores this question. Continue reading