A serious-looking college student examining her phone

To Insta or Not to Insta: That Is the Memory...

Here in the US, we’re having something of a national debate about the benefits/harms of…

Crowds surround a burning mansion at night

I Am a Doctrinaire Extremist; S/he Is a Thoughtful Moderate

I recently had an email exchange with an educational thinker and leader who has spent…


The Neuroscience of You by Chantel Prat

What a blast! Despite diving into countless neuroscience introductions, this journey felt uniquely enjoyable, resonating…

Side view of student girl enjoying summer breeze , smiling with eyes closed

Does Mind-Wandering Harm Learning?

If you teach children for several hours a day, you just know that sometimes they’re…

A bright yellow American football goalpost, above a bright green field and against dark stadium

“Writing By Hand Fosters Neural Connections…”

Imagine this conversation that you and I might have: ANDREW: The fastest way to drive…

A winter scene: cars covered in a foot of swon, and two pedestrians walking away from the camera, shoulders hunched agains the cold snow

Weather Forecasting and Cognitive Science

I live in Boston, and we just had an ENORMOUS snow storm. TWELVE INCHES of…

College students working together at a table, lots of papers in front of them

Constructivism, or Constructivism, Part II

Last week, I wrote about the often-testy debates that surround “constructivism.” One possible cause for…


Evolutionary Intelligence by Russell Neuman

I have recently been reviewing human-technology interactions with a team at Brookings, and it is…

A construction site: a 6 story building with scaffolding all around, a crane against a sunset

Constructivism, or Constructivism? Part I

If you want to launch a feisty debate in your next faculty meeting, stand up…

Teenage girl sitting on floor and trying to learn with post-it notes

Should Students Make Their Own Flashcards, Take II

A respected colleague recently posted a study about making flashcards. The basic question: should students…