A pencil drawing of two hands clasping each other

Piece-by-Piece PowerPoint: Exploring the “Dynamic Drawing Principle”

The plan for this blog post: First: I’ll describe a particular teaching practice — one…

A happy student wearing a vest, bow tie, and an upside-down colander on his head, holding a finger up in the air as lightbulbs glow around him

Research Advice That’s New + Useful: Improve Learning by Reappraising...

Research benefits teachers if it gives us new, useful ideas. We can feel relief and…

An animal walks through a doorway. It goes in an elephant, and comes out a giraffe

Change My Mind, Please!

When was the last time you changed your mind about something important? Perhaps you rethought…

A closeup view looking along a post-an-rail fence on a prairie of brown and green

Getting Bossy about Jigsaws; “Don’t Fence Us In”

Back in February, I wrote about the “Jigsaw method” of teaching. In this strategy, teachers…


Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt

From the author of The Coddling of the American Mind, The Righteous Mind, and The…

A young student sits at a desk with her hands covering her eyes; a sympathetic teacher stands next to her with his hand on her shoulder

Updating the Great Cold-Call Debate: Does Gender Matter?

Edu-Twitter predictably cycles through a number of debates; in recent weeks, the Great Cold-Call Debate…

Close up of student with head down on a wooden desk, hair covering his or her face. Other students are working out of focus in the background.

Can students “catch” attention? Introducing “Attention Contagion”

Every teacher knows: students won’t learn much if they don’t pay attention. How can we…

A futuristic drawing of two heads facing each other, with dramatic lines showing extensive and expansive thinking

Should Teachers Be Excited about “Neural Synchrony”?

This blog — and this company — exist to give good advice to everyone who…

An actor, presumably playing Hamlet, holding up a skull while standing against an all-black background

Improving Multiple-Choice Questions: A Thought-Provoking Pause

Many teachers carry strong ambivalence about multiple-choice questions (handy abbreviation: MCQs). On the one hand,…


Insight into a Bright Mind by Nicole Tetreault

Insight into a Bright Mind: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Stories of Unique Thinking is a profoundly…