
Alcohol and Learning: Does Drinking Harm Memory?

Back in October, I published one of the blog’s most popular articles: a summary of a…

adult neurogenesis

STOP THE PRESSES: New Evidence Against Adult Neurogenesis

For years, neuroscientists believed that neural growth ended in childhood. In the 1960s, however, researchers found that adults could grow new neurons: an event called “adult neurogenesis.” As of this morning, this new orthodoxy might be switching back to the old one. Continue reading

omega 3 fatty oil

Omega 3 Fish Oil Doesn’t Help, but Research Does

Contrary to their previous research, this team in Britain finds that Omega 3 fish oil doesn’t help students’ behavior or academic performance. These results are disappointing, but their willingness to double check their work this way is admirable. Continue reading

benefits of direct instruction

Despite the Skeptics, a Champion of Direct Instruction

In the debates between “progressive” and “traditional” educational theories, few arguments rage hotter than the…

understanding brain waves

Surfing Brain Waves to Better Concentration

What’s the difference between a gamma and a delta wave? Why do we care? This…

pollution harms working memory

Does Pollution Really Harm Children’s Working Memory?

Pollution harms students’ working memory, both on their commute to school and in the classroom. Until we can solve this larger social problem, a less polluted route to school should be explored. Continue reading

investigating mindfulness

Investigating Mindfulness: How Do We Know Its Benefits?

We would, of course, like to see studies with larger sample sizes, active control conditions, longer-term evaluation of results and so forth. This study find some positive trends, but overall isn’t impressed with the research progress over the last 13 years. Continue reading

sleeplessness harms women

Sleeplessness Harms Women’s Thinking More Than Men’s?

You can understand why this study lit up my twitter feed recently. It makes a…

neuroplasticity and myelin

Neuroplasticity and Myelin: Fascinating Brain Mysteries

Neuroplasticity and myelin are critical for the brain’s lifelong development, and essential for some of its most remarkable accomplishments. Continue reading

yes brain

The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience...

In their new book The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in…