
Welcome to “the Messiness”

In a recent interview on this blog, Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal spoke about the benefits…


The Benefits of Prediction; the Dangers of Vocabulary

What’s the best way to study complex material? Working with Charles Atwood at the University…

Now Even the New York Times Has It Wrong

Here’s a hypothetical situation: Let’s say that psychology researchers clearly demonstrate that retrieval practice helps…


Good News about Concept Mapping

This meta-analysis, which looks at studies including almost 12,000 students, concludes that creating concept maps…


The Benefits of Forgetting

As teachers, we earnestly want our students to REMEMBER what they learned; their habit of FORGETTING…


Neuroplasticity in Rural India

You hear so much about “neuroplasticity” at Learning and the Brain conferences that you already know…


Correlation Isn’t Causation, Is It?

(Image source) The ever provocative Freddie deBoer explores the relationship between correlation and causation. You…

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The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of...

Parents—a noun, something an individual may be—have existed for as long as there have been…

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The 2017 Transforming Education Through Neuroscience Award Was Presented on...

Dr. Daniel T. Willingham from the University of Virginia was presented with the “2017 Transforming…

Home News

In the excitement of this weekend’s Learning and the Brain conference, I overlooked my own…