
How Best to Count

Should young children count on their fingers when learning math? You can find strong opinions…

Resources for “Desirable Difficulties”

Here on the blog, we write a lot about desirable difficulties: that elusive middle ground…

Finding Inspiration for Retrieval Practice

Like you, the Effortful Educator knows that retrieval practice benefits learning. But: how to get…


Lefty or Righty?

You’ve surely heard about students being left-brained or right-brained. And: you’ve probably heard that this…


How Best to Take Notes: A Public Service Announcement

The school year is beginning, and so you’re certainly seeing many (MANY) articles about the debate…


Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst...

Humans are capable of horrifying aggression, dehumanization, destruction, and violence and at the same time…


Online K-12 Schools

The upcoming Learning and the Brain Conference (Boston, November) will focus on “Merging Minds and…


Promoting Motivation?

Over at 3 Star Learning Experiences, Kirschner and Neelan are skeptical about research into academic…

The Battle of the Sexes, in Headlines

Two articles jumped out at me today because of the illustrative way they clash with…


Cell Phones in the Classroom: Expected (and Unexpected) Effects

Quick! Where’s your cell phone? Now that I’ve got your attention: what effect does the…