
Kitchen Knives and Face Blindness: An fMRI story

Nancy Kanwisher asks: is the brain like a kitchen knife, or is it like a…


What do teachers need to know about neurons?

At EdSurge News, Sydney Johnson ponders neurotransmitters, social development, and the marvelous Mary Helen Immordino-Yang.


Parenting Matters, and Earlier than You Think

Studies of neglect and maltreatment of young children have revealed a lot about early brain…


“Screen Time”: Content and Context Matter

This open letter–signed by many psychologists and neuroscientists well-known to LaTB audiences–argues that current panic about…


Laptops in the Classroom: The Debate Continues…

In at least this one college classroom, non-academic laptop use is inversely related to performance…


17 Ways to Fold Sheep

Here’s a mental puzzle to start off your day: Imagine you’ve got 17 sheep and…


A Skeptic Meditates

Scott Barry Kaufman meditates — rebelliously — for eight weeks, and learns a lot about himself,…


Daily Routines in Early Childhood: Help or Hindrance?

“Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was…



The invaluable Neuroskeptic debunks yet another example of neuro-prediction. Let the brain science consumer beware…


In the News

The controversy over famous patient Henry Molaison — a.k.a. H.M. — is #7 on the…