bright kids

Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less by Ellen Braaten

In Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child’s Motivation, Ellen Braaten…

mathematics professor solving complex equations on a blackboard

Which Is Better: “Desirable Difficulty” or “Productive Struggle”?

The obvious answer to my question is: “what a silly question.” After all, the two…

The cover of Walkthru: a bright yellow and white cover, with a drawing of two teachers thinking and talking together

“Comprehensive and Manageable”: Walkthrus Has It All

Teachers who want to rely on cognitive science to improve our teaching have SO MANY…

A brighly colored beac ball floating in a vibrantly blue pool

How to Change Students’ Minds? Create Surprise…

Sometimes teaching is challenging. And sometimes, it’s REALLY challenging. For instance: Because I’m an English…

Headshot of author and teacher Beth Hawks

Guest Post: “My Learning and the Brain Story”

Beth Hawks has taught science for 25 years. She now serves as the science department…

attention spaN

Attention Span by Gloria Mark

In our world we now spend over 10 hours a day in front of screens;…

Book Cover for Teaching & Learning Illuminated

Classroom Cognition Explained, or, Dual Coding Just Right

The Good News: research into cognitive science can be SPECTACULARLY USEFUL to teachers. (That’s why…

Penguins grouped together into the shape of a heart

An Argument Against “Chunking”

Learning and the Brain exists so that we can talk about good teaching together. Although…

Young woman draws an animated storyboard

Do Animations Improve Learning? A Definitivie Answer, Please…

Recently I discussed working memory overload with a group of wise and thoughtful teachers. I showed…

The Whole Toolbox in One (Free) Download

If you want to learn more about improving teaching with psychology research, I’ve got good…