nurture effect

The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior Can...

What if there existed a secret recipe for curing nearly all of our most serious…


Does Internet Use “Rewire Adolescent Brains”?

Our very own Kathryn Mills says: we’ve got a lot of anecdotes, but not a…


Dreaming of a Snowy Holiday Season?

This trippy video from TedEd gives some insight into the neural process of imagination.


Thinking VERY Slowly about “Thinking, Fast and Slow”

Five years later, economics blogger Jason Collins rereads–and rereviews–Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow.


Teacher Evaluations: Your Thoughts?

A report by the non-partisan Brookings Institute says that teacher evaluations are “a waste of time…

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Home News: Congratulations, Stephanie!

Our very own Stephanie Sasse is a co-author of a just-published paper in the Journal…

Thoughtful teenage boy looking up while sitting in classroom

Drifting Away: The Cognitive Benefits—and Perils—of Mind-Wandering

You’re in the middle of a meeting or driving to work and your mind drifts…

Power Poses: Meh

This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education explains many reasons to doubt much-hyped research into–among…

Isolated blackboard with signs of sex.

Research Morsel: Gender Differences in Math (Again)

The journal Intelligence recently published an interesting study [1] analyzing gender differences in cognitive abilities in…

Reproducing Research Results

This video, from TedEd, helpfully outlines many of the reasons it can be difficult to…