Tag Archives: classroom advice


Advice for College Students

This brief (and admirably clear) article offers guidance to college students on the study strategies…

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Welcome to “the Messiness”

In a recent interview on this blog, Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal spoke about the benefits…

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Now Even the New York Times Has It Wrong

Here’s a hypothetical situation: Let’s say that psychology researchers clearly demonstrate that retrieval practice helps…

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Good News about Concept Mapping

This meta-analysis, which looks at studies including almost 12,000 students, concludes that creating concept maps…

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Does project-based learning work?

The answer to the titular question depends on a) your definition of “project-based learning,” and b) your…

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Multiple-Choice Tests Are A) Good or B) Bad

Teachers hate (and love) multiple-choice tests. On the one hand, they seem dreadfully reductive. On…

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The Pro-Homework Argument

The Effortful Educator, an 11th and 12th grade psychology teacher, outlines the research-based case…

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Hands-on and Hands-off Learning

When we walk into a classroom, especially an early learning or elementary school one, manipulatives…

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Decisions, Decisions: Helping Students with Complex Reasoning

Most of us have heard the adage about the two ways that someone can get…

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How Best to Count

Should young children count on their fingers when learning math? You can find strong opinions…

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