Tag Archives: classroom advice

Resources for “Desirable Difficulties”

Here on the blog, we write a lot about desirable difficulties: that elusive middle ground…

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How Best to Take Notes: A Public Service Announcement

The school year is beginning, and so you’re certainly seeing many (MANY) articles about the debate…

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Cell Phones in the Classroom: Expected (and Unexpected) Effects

Quick! Where’s your cell phone? Now that I’ve got your attention: what effect does the…

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Helping Students Study Well: The Missing Plank in the Bridge?

Ok: you’ve taught your students a particular topic, and you’ve provided them with lots of…

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“One Size Fits All” Rarely Fits

If you attend Learning and the Brain conferences, or read this blog regularly, you know…

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Interrupting Skilled Students

Here’s a sentence that won’t surprise you: practice typically makes us more skilled at the…

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Dangerous Authenticity?

Here’s an odd question: is it ever a bad idea for teachers to be authentic?…

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Memorable Beauty?

Over at Psychology Today, Nate Kornell speculates about the potential memory benefits of taking beautiful notes….

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Lightening the Cognitive Load

How should we manage working memory limitations in the classroom? Furtheredogogy has a handy post…

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A Future Without Grades?

You think grades interfere with learning? You’d like to do away with them? And yet,…

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