Tag Archives: classroom advice


It Ain’t What You Know, It’s…Oh, No, Sorry, It IS...

I sense that the tide is beginning to turn on the knowledge-versus-skills debate, ‘21st Century’…

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To Ban or Not to Ban: A Usefully Provocative Answer

For every enthusiastic voice championing the use of laptops in classrooms, we hear equally skeptical…

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Laptops in the Classroom: The Debate Continues…

In at least this one college classroom, non-academic laptop use is inversely related to performance…

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17 Ways to Fold Sheep

Here’s a mental puzzle to start off your day: Imagine you’ve got 17 sheep and…

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Teacher Evaluations: Your Thoughts?

A report by the non-partisan Brookings Institute says that teacher evaluations are “a waste of time…

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Click Here: The Technology of Retrieval Practice in the Classroom

Back in the dark ages, when I was just cutting my teaching teeth, we teachers…

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