Tag Archives: classroom advice

Goldfish Jump

Working Memory: Make it Bigger, or Use it Better?

Cognitive science has LOTS of good news for teachers. Can we help students remember ideas…

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Busy Classroom

Do Classroom Decorations Distract Students? A Story in 4 Parts…

Teacher training programs often encourage us to brighten our classrooms with lively, colorful, personal, and…

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Why Time is a Teacher’s Greatest Commodity…and What to Do...

Today’s guest post is by Jim Heal, Director of New Initiatives, and Rebekah Berlin, Senior…

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Colored spice background. Spices and herbs top view

The Best Kind of Practice for Students Depends on the...

In some ways, teaching ought to be straightforward. Teachers introduce new material (by some method…

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Hispanic female college student studying

The Best Way to Take Class Notes

Teachers often ask me: “how should my students take notes?” That question typically springs from…

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Teachers’ Gestures Can Help Students Learn

Over the years, I’ve written about the importance of “embodied cognition.” In other words: we…

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Handwriting Improves Learning, Right?

Here’s a good rule for research: if you believe something, look for research that contradicts…

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Let’s Get Practical: What Works Best in the Classroom?

At times, this blog explores big-picture hypotheticals — the “what if” questions that can inspire…

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“Rich” or “Bland”: Which Diagrams Helps Students Learn Deeply? [Reposted]

Colorful diagrams might raise students’ interest. What do those diagrams do for their learning? Continue reading

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How to Foster New Friendships in School? Seating Plans! (We’ve...

In schools, we want students to learn many topics: math, and history, and reading, and…

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