Tag Archives: classroom advice


The Limits of “Desirable Difficulties”: Catching Up with Sans Forgetica

Can a hard-to-read font improve student learning? That’s a very strange question, but in 2019 we had some reasons to think the answer was “yes.” Just published research updates our understanding. Continue reading

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“Doing Science” or “Being a Scientist”: What Words Motivate Students?

If teachers could boost students’ motivation — even slightly — by changing our language, would that effort be worth the time? Continue reading

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“Seductive Details”: When Do Cool Stories and Videos Interfere with...

When teachers include cool stories and funny videos in our lessons, does that ultimately help our students learn? A recent meta-analysis crunches the numbers. Continue reading

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Beyond “Tricks-n-Tips”: What does Cog Sci Tell Us About Online...

When it comes to online learning, don’t just “do this thing.” Instead, “think this way.” Continue reading

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Beyond the Mouse: Pointing in Online Learning [Repost]

As teachers across the country prepare to move our work online, I’ve been looking over…

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Overcoming Potential Perils of Online Learning [Repost]

In June of 2019, I wrote about Dr. Rachael Blasiman’s research into the effect of…

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Does Teaching HANDWRITING Help Students READ?

Should schools teach handwriting? Do handwriting lessons help students read? Research from Australia offers useful insights. Continue reading

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The Big Six: A Grand Summary

You’d like a handy summary of cognitive science principles relevant to teaching? Read on… Continue reading

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Cold Calling and Bad Pizza

Teachers get contradictory advice about “cold calling.” Well designed research might offer us clear guidance. Continue reading

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Are “Retrieval Practice” and “Spacing” Equally Important? [Updated]

A recent study with college precalculus students helps us understand: is retrieval practice more important than spacing? Continue reading

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