Tag Archives: neuroscience


Maturation of the Hippocampus

Why do adolescents learn and remember specific information more easily than younger children? We have,…

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The Neural Effects of Media Multitasking

If you’re attending Learning and the Brain’s “Merging Minds and Technology” Conference in November, you’re…

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Neuroscience and Neuromyths

Does neuroscience education help reduce a teacher’s belief in neuromyths? According to this recent study:…

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Lefty or Righty?

You’ve surely heard about students being left-brained or right-brained. And: you’ve probably heard that this…

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The Battle of the Sexes, in Headlines

Two articles jumped out at me today because of the illustrative way they clash with…

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Memory Training That Really (Sort of) Works

Imagine yourself following a route that you know quite well: perhaps your morning commute. You…

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Regions or Networks, Take 2

Just yesterday, I posted some thoughts about “thinking both-ily”; that is, understanding that brain processing…

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Brain Regions or Brain Networks?

Here’s an odd brain theory to start off your day: Let’s assume that particular regions…

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The Benefits (?) of Overlearning

I’m reviewing the vocabulary I learned in today’s Spanish class. The last time I went…

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Practice Makes Myelin

Here’s a helpful TedEd video on the neuroscience of physical practice. I quibble with some of…

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