Tag Archives: skepticism


Does project-based learning work?

The answer to the titular question depends on a) your definition of “project-based learning,” and b) your…

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5 Praises a Day

Back in May, a brief flurry of articles rose up (here, here, and here) around…

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Action Video Games Harm the Hippocampus, Right?

Here’s a headline to get your attention: Action video games decrease gray matter, study finds….

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We Need a Bigger Boat

Because working memory is so important for learning, and because human working memory capacity isn’t…

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Criticizing Critical Thinking

Over at Newsweek, Alexander Nazaryan wants to vex you. Here’s a sample: Only someone who…

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How Best to Take Notes: A Public Service Announcement

The school year is beginning, and so you’re certainly seeing many (MANY) articles about the debate…

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Online K-12 Schools

The upcoming Learning and the Brain Conference (Boston, November) will focus on “Merging Minds and…

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Promoting Motivation?

Over at 3 Star Learning Experiences, Kirschner and Neelan are skeptical about research into academic…

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How to Lie with Graphs

A handy video from Ted Education gives some pointers on spotting misleading graphs. Pay close…

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“One Size Fits All” Rarely Fits

If you attend Learning and the Brain conferences, or read this blog regularly, you know…

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