Tag Archives: skepticism


Chocolate and Cocoa Help You Learn, Right?

What’s not to love? The photo shows a mug of cocoa, with an already-nibbled chocolate bar…

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A Tale of Two Analyses

For researchers and research-readers alike, the data analysis portion of a study is many things:…

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True or False: Fidget Spinners Benefit Students with ADHD?

The Learning Scientists are on the case…

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(Mis)Understanding Educational Stats

Over at The Anova, Freddie deBoer has a knack for writing about statistical questions and…

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Downside to Oxytocin

Oxytocin in Crisis

Oxytocin is often described as the “love hormone.” Apparently lots of oxtyocin is swirling around…

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Thinking Critically about Teaching Critical Thinking

A friend recently referred me to this online article (at bigthink.com) about this research study:…

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An Invaluable Part of Any LatB Lunch…

…a baloney detection kit. Enjoy. (Here are some napkins.)

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A Working Memory Intervention That “Really Works.” Really?

L&tB bloggers frequently write about working memory — and with good reason. This cognitive capacity, which…

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Skepticism Improves Innovation

Greg Ashman is enthusiastic about research, and yet skeptical about innovation. Ashman’s argument resonates with me…

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More Brain Horsepower?

  This article summarizes the current debate — call it a “controversy” — about brain training….

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