Tag Archives: skepticism


The Misleading Headline of the Week…and What to Do About...

Scientific American Mind has entitled this brief piece “Too Much Emotional Intelligence is a Bad…

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Political Affiliation and Trust in Science

Over at the Cultural Cognition Project, Dan Kahan has offered a fascinating post about the relationship…

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Book Review: the Promise and Perils of fMRI

Russell Poldrack reviews Sex, Lies, and Brain Scans: How fMRI Reveals What Really Goes on…

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A Skeptic Meditates

Scott Barry Kaufman meditates — rebelliously — for eight weeks, and learns a lot about himself,…

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The invaluable Neuroskeptic debunks yet another example of neuro-prediction. Let the brain science consumer beware…

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Does Internet Use “Rewire Adolescent Brains”?

Our very own Kathryn Mills says: we’ve got a lot of anecdotes, but not a…

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