Tag Archives: technology

Black College Student Holding Phone

Is “Cell Phone Addiction” Really a Thing?

I recently read a tweet asserting “the fact that cell phones are proven to be…

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How to Capture Students’ Attention for Online Readings (tl;dr)

When do students focus while reading online? When do they lose focus and let their minds…

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Teachers vs Tech?: The Case for an Ed Tech Revolution...

The dramatically increased reliance on technology to support students’ learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has…

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“Students Switch Their Screens Every 19 Seconds.” Sort Of…

I recently read an arresting claim: when students have web browsers open, they switch their…

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Overcoming Potential Perils of Online Learning [Repost]

In June of 2019, I wrote about Dr. Rachael Blasiman’s research into the effect of…

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Dangerous Fluency: Performance Isn’t Always Learning

Cognitive science research helps teachers understand learning better than our students do. We should be confident in offering wise counsel. For instance: based on research, should be ban technology from classrooms? Continue reading

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Yes or No: “Video Games Can Promote Emotional Intelligence”?

A recent study from Italy gives us intriguing possibilities for helping adolescents manage their complex emotions. Continue reading

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What Helps After a Stressful Day? Mindfulness Apps or Digital...

A recent study comparing a mindfulness app to a digital game gives us helpful insight into de-stressing strategies. Continue reading

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Flipping the Classroom: Asking the Right Question

When should teachers “flip the classroom”? A study from Finland offers helpful guidance… Continue reading

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